
Our Community

Our Community

The CrossFit industry internationally, and every good CrossFit box locally, prides itself on its welcoming and supportive community spirit. This inclusivity really is one of CrossFit’s defining aspects. But why is it so important?

“It provides support during a workout, after a workout and throughout your entire journey into becoming a more fit human being. We link fitness to intensity. Without people cheering you on while you finish a workout, you probably wouldn´t finish the workout as strongly as you started it. After the workout, having people come up to you and give you a high five along with some encouraging words reinforces that what you just went through was really worth it. And when you feel part of a community, you tend to stick to that community a lot longer. Fitness is a life long journey of changing habits to become as healthy as possible, and we all need a support system to help us through it”
Matt Beard, Head Coach

Our members and coaches really are the life and soul of CrossFit Fareham; and like one big happy family we love to share those special moments! The ‘Our Community’ section is a place for us to keep all of our videos in one place…